How Online School Works?
Students at New Age Owls Online High School (NAOOHS) to school online using our robust learning management system (LMS) that hosts online courses and course management tools for students and teachers. Students use the LMS to:
Access their courses
Take assessments
Review grades
Manage their course schedule
Interact with peers in online community
How Class Sessions Work?
Synchronous Webinars/
All New Age Owls' Classes are conducted using a combination of lessons that students complete on their own schedule LMS , and "live" teacher-led online classes in “Meet”—the combinations may vary based on the course.
Self-paced Asynchronous
Students utilize our rich, challenging, and engaging online LMS- for reading, activities, assessments, and videos, as well as synchronous “live” sessions conducted by the teacher at predefined times. Many of these sessions are recorded so that students can “attend” if they miss a session, or review all or part again, if needed.
Flagships to these synchronous sessions is the online classroom software our teachers use, which includes a whiteboard for live online instruction, split multi-student discussion and collaboration groups, and space for instructional slides, as well as file and video sharing. This technology enables teachers and students to conduct a live virtual discussion as if they were in a physical classroom.
Our faculty members also use this online classroom for office hours, tutorials, one-on-one sessions, as well as for conferences. New Age Owls online school offers virtual clubs available to all students, as well as social activities on a bimonthly basis via this cutting edge technology platform. In addition, A learning coach will be provided for each full time enrolment students to support and guide these students stay on task through digital educational endeavour.